Use This Time To Get Your Affairs In Order: Three Questions To Ask Yourself
Our Message To You
On behalf of my entire staff, we send hugs (virtually of course) to all of you and wishes for your safety and health.
In the meantime, we continue to be available to address any elder law issues that arise in the course of this pandemic. We are here to help.
We are working using the traditional phone, email, and virtual office technology and continue to have an office presence as needed. Our entire elder law team remains available to every client without service interruption.
Three Elder Law Questions To Ask Yourself
We suggest using the downtime to get your affairs in orders. Ask yourself these questions:
- What would happen if I get sick and become incapacitated for 2-3 weeks or months–how would my bills get paid, who would notify the important people in my life?
- What if I die? Do I have a plan for who should be in charge of paying any creditors, marshaling my assets and distributing them to my loved ones?
- How do I want to die? Naturally without pain or do I want every measure taken to possibly extend my life? Have I discussed the implications of a Do Not Resuscitate Order with my loved ones and doctor if I get sick with the Coronavirus?
We are here to help you assess and answer these questions. We also have a process in place to assist you with executing important documents that does not require you and us to be directly exposed to each other!
Other issues related to elder law that you can initiate or update are your estate planning documents including living will, power of attorney, and health care surrogate. We will be doing more videos on these processes to make sure you have everything in place for your best quality of life.
We continue to take care of every step of the elder law process. We make it as simple and seamless as we can to reduce stress and get results for our clients.
How To Connect With The Miller Elder Law Firm
You may also subscribe to our YouTube channel for more educational videos about elder law and what it means to you.
We are here to make everything simple, easy, and comforting.
Pictured are Gainesville elder law attorneys Shannon Miller and Scott Anderson.
How The Miller Elder Law Firm Can Help
Allow our experience in the field to work on your behalf. Contact The Miller Elder Law Firm today for an initial consultation at (352) 379-1900 or fill out our convenient contact form.