May 3, 2023 | Estate Planning, Guardianship FAQ
As you get older, it’s important to start thinking about your estate planning. This is the process of making sure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after you die. Durable Power Of Attorney-What Is It? The most important estate planning...
Jul 17, 2015 | Exploitation, Guardianship FAQ
A New, More Protective Guardianship Law Several Elder Law Attorneys from around the state of Florida, including Shannon Miller, ESQ, Miller Elder Law Firm, were instrumental in the passing of this legislation that went into effect in Florida on July 1, 2015. The...
May 19, 2015 | Elder Law, Estate Planning, Exploitation, Guardianship FAQ, Probate FAQ, Uncategorized
May is Elder Law Month by National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA) Legal issues that affect people as they age and people with special needs are growing in number. Our laws and regulations are becoming more complex, and each state has different laws. Elder and...
Mar 4, 2015 | Elder Law, Estate Planning, Guardianship FAQ
The Patience and Planning if Alzheimer’s Disease One of our clients at Miller Elder Law Firm, Dr. Curt DeGroff, has been caring for his mother for several years now since her diagnosis with Alzheimer’s disease. Even after a lifetime of loving...
Jan 12, 2015 | Board Certification, Elder Law, Guardianship FAQ, In The News
Shannon Miller, ESQ, of Miller Elder Law Firm presented at the Florida House of Representatives Civil Judiciary Committee in Tallahassee on Jan 7, 2015. As the President of the Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, she participated in the subcommittee’s...
Feb 12, 2013 | Guardianship FAQ
The Miller Elder Law Firm explain in what instances a guardianship can be temporary and how guardians are removed. For assistance in removing a legal guardian, contact The Miller Elder Law Firm today. “A guardianship definitely can be temporary. A lot of...